Creating Your Own Mom & Baby Group

This introduction to Creating Your Own Mom & Baby Group will discuss ideas for starting a moms group in your own area. I’ll share ideas for how to recruit members, activity ideas and how to do all of this for a very low cost. The information here will lead you through the steps of how a friend and I started our own group.  I hope this information helps you in putting together your own mom and baby group!

After having my first child in spring 2011, it was difficult to locate a moms group where I could meet other moms for socializing and other children for my son to play with.  A friend and I decided to start a moms group of our own.  Our idea was to create a group where moms (or dads) and their little ones can gather for socializing and to try various activities for the children.  We planned on starting a moms group with special guest speakers and demonstrations to give everyone an opportunity to try some of the activities in the city while meeting other moms & little ones.  Having experts come to do talks on items such as nutrition, fitness, dental, etc. provides an opportunity for parents to learn plus an opportunity to ask questions they may have.  We are stay-at-home moms ourselves so we wanted to start a group with fun activities while not having to spend a lot of money.

Becoming a parent is such a wonderful gift.  Welcoming your baby into the world, seeing his first smile, hearing his first laugh, watching him take his first steps, hearing his first word – it’s all such a miracle and I feel so blessed to be a mom.  Becoming a parent for the first time can also leave you with a lot of questions: How do I know if my baby is sleeping too much?  Should I wake him to feed him? How do I know if he’s not sleeping enough?  Is he eating enough?  Is baby poop supposed to be this color?  Well, you get the idea.

There are so many questions every new parent has and it’s an important time to have support from family and friends.  What if you are new to your city and haven’t met any new friends yet?  What if you don’t live near family?  We’ve all heard the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”.  Before I had my son, I didn’t fully understand that saying.  As soon as I became pregnant I started to realize even more how lucky I am to live within walking distance to my parents house and my best friend’s house.  I’ve always known how lucky I am to have such great family and friends in my life but once I had my son I began to see it even more.  Unfortunately we all aren’t so lucky to have family & friends close by for support.  This is where a moms group can become a lifesaver!  There are so many babies born each day and so many women who turn into mothers.  There are probably a lot living very close to you. Starting a moms group is a great way to bring these new parents and children together!

We thought our moms group would be a great opportunity for parents to meet other parents in the city to develop new friendships and support.  Being a new parent is certainly rewarding but it can be challenging at times and it is always good to have a group where you can learn from other parents, ask experts questions you may have, develop friendships with other stay at home parents, plus share in the joy of raising children.

On this site I’ll be sharing information on our experiences while starting a moms group – I hope this gives you ideas for starting a moms group of your own!

Starting a Moms Group:

I’ve broken this information into a few sections. Simply click on each of the titles to open that post in a new window.

1) Choosing a Location

2) Setting Up Group Rules

3) Setting Up An Online Area for Moms to Meet

4) Recruiting Members

5) Moms Group Activity Ideas

6) Guest Speaker Ideas

7) Ideas in Your City

Moms & Munchkins is filled with activity ideas for all ages. Stay updated on the latest ideas by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Bloglovin’.

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