You’ll always want to keep your group a fun & safe atmosphere for everyone. An idea may be to establish some moms group rules to discuss with the members. I’ve included some examples below. Some may not apply depending on the type of group, location, activities, etc.
Moms Group Rules (a sample for your own group):
Moms Group Rules Introduction
We are a group of mothers just like you that get together with our children for play groups and other activities. This group is a great opportunity to meet other moms and share our experiences, parenting tips, and a few laughs. This group is a relaxed atmosphere that allows moms and children to have the socialization they need while enjoying a friendly environment. Our group will meet regularly for play groups each month. These activities include meeting at a gym or recreational facility, potluck lunches with a recipe exchange, swimming and other kid-friendly activities. Each month, we create a calendar of activities that are perfect for moms and their children (ages 0 to 5) to attend. We’ll create an event in our Facebook group with details on upcoming events. We ask that everyone review the event and comment to let us know if you will be attending or not. If you ever have any questions, concerns, suggestions for meetings, please let me know.
Moms Group Rules – Toys for Playtime
I have purchased a few toys for the kids to play with during our visits. Each week I’ll take these toys home and wash them up so they are ready for our next play date. If you have any toys you’d like to contribute to playtime, please let me know.
Moms Group Rules – Membership Fees
Recognizing that most of us are stay at home parents, our goal is to arrange for as many inexpensive play dates as possible. Since the city is allowing us the use of their facility, they ask that we purchase a community membership in order to join the group. You can purchase this membership through any community association within the city. You will need to show this membership card when attending the play dates.
Moms Group Rules – Activity Fees
For some activities, there may small cost associated. For example, if we choose to go to a gymnastics sample class and there is an admission charged by the facility. Each person is required to pay their own admissions for these events directly to the facility. When posting an event on our Facebook wall, I’ll let you know in advance if there will be a fee and what the cost will be.
Moms Group Rules – Child Safety
At all times, each parent is responsible for her own child while in the group meetings. We will all do our best to keep our group a safe area for all.
We want to keep the group a positive place for all members to attend and participate in; therefore, we reserve the right to remove members from the group who are seen as not acting in the best interest of the group or who display inappropriate behavior.
Moms Group Rules – Recipes
I’d like to create a recipe sharing area on our Facebook page. If you have any recipes you’d like to share, please email me and I’ll be sure to post them in our Facebook group.
Moms Group Rules – Photos
We’d like to add photos to our Facebook group of our events. Our Facebook group is a closed group so only accepted members will be able to see our photos. If you ever have any pictures you’d like to share with the group (like Halloween costumes, new family portraits, etc.), feel free to add them to our photos! If a photo is posted and you would like it removed, please let me know.
Moms Group Rules – Advertising
We want to keep our Facebook group wall free from advertising and spam. If any advertising or spam is posted, we will remove it from the wall and the persons advertising may be removed from the group. We are limited in the number of people we can accept to the group so we’ll keep our Facebook group members to moms who are interested in joining the group for socializing and playtime for the children.
Moms Group Rules – Clean Up
The city has been very generous in letting us use their facility. We ask that we all help clean up our mess before leaving the meeting. This includes putting away chairs, tables, mats, toys back in the basket, garbage away and sweeping the floor. If we all pitch in we can leave on time.
Moms Group Rules – Ideas
For some of our meetings, I thought it would be interesting to have special guest speakers or demonstrations. I’ve located these guest speakers through some internet research on what’s available in and around the city. All of the guest speakers I have arranged are providing us their services for free and there is no obligation to purchase anything from them. If you know of someone who would make a great guest speaker on a topic relevant to the moms or children in the group, please let me know and I’ll try to arrange something with them.
If you or someone you know has a special talent you can share with the group (like baby massage, singers or musicians that can play music for the kids, etc.), please let me know.
Again, WELCOME TO THE GROUP! If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact me at ___.
The moms group rules provided above are simply a sample to help you get started. Create moms group rules that apply to your group, location and activities.
In the next area I’ll discuss setting up an online area for moms to meet.
This post is part of a series dedicated to Starting a Moms Group. To read the series from the beginning, please click here.
Moms & Munchkins is filled with activity ideas for all ages. Stay updated on the latest ideas by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Bloglovin’.