The Holiday Movie Party

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The Holiday Movie Party

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on the other side of the world? To temporarily swap houses with someone and experience life in a completely different country? This is exactly what Amanda and Iris do in the movie The Holiday. They each have their heart broken and want to run … Read more

Four Christmases Movie Party

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Four Christmases Movie Party

Some of my favorite memories of childhood Christmases are the ones where we had a lot of company and I had the opportunity to play with my cousins. We didn’t do the big family Christmas celebrations a lot but when we did I always enjoyed them. How about you – do you like having a … Read more

Wedding Crashers Movie Party

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Wedding Crashers Movie

I was married in Las Vegas three years ago. Not by Elvis…although I get asked that a lot. We had a pretty small wedding (around 20 people) so it would have been pretty hard to crash our wedding because someone definitely would have noticed! Have you ever seen wedding crashers at a wedding? People who … Read more

The Switch Movie Party Ideas

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There was a time in my late 20’s when I wondered if I’d meet the right person to have kids with. I always knew I wanted kids but I didn’t want to rush into the decision unless I was sure I found the right person to have a child with. I sometimes wondered what would … Read more

P.S. I Love You Movie Night

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P.S. I Love You

Back when my husband and I started dating in 2005, he used to write me a lot of love notes. Eight years and one child later, the love notes are few and far between. It’s a good thing I stored all of those cards and notes away so I can enjoy them now! Some of … Read more

Life As We Know It Movie Party

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Life As We Know It Movie Party

When I was pregnant, there was no shortage of people giving me advice. The piece of advice I heard the most was – “Get your rest now while you can because you won’t get any sleep once the baby arrives”. Friends and family are often so excited about the bundle or joy on the way … Read more