Disney Countdown Calendar Ideas

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Are you counting down the days until you leave for a fun Disney vacation? Here are some fun Disney countdown calendar ideas that you can create for your little ones while they wait for the special day to arrive. We took our first family trip to Disney in March 2013 and we had such a blast! I’d love to hear about your favorite Disney memories in the comments below.

Disney Countdown Calendar

Disney Countdown Calendar Ideas:

1) Buy one plastic Easter egg for each day you have left before your vacation. Fill each egg with Disney stickers and a Disney fun fact. Each day, your little ones can open one egg from the basket.

2) I used to do this  for Christmas when I was a child – a paper ring calendar! Simply cut strips of paper and glue them into linked rings. You can then hang this linked ring banner in your child’s room. Each morning the child can remove one ring from the link.

3) Create a calendar counting down the days you have left. The kids can place a Disney sticker on one square each morning. When all the squares are filled it means you are leaving for vacation!

4) Fill a basket (like a laundry basket) with one balloon per day left before vacation. Write one fun Disney Parks activity idea on a piece of paper for each balloon and place one piece of paper in each balloon. Each morning your kids can pop one balloon to read about a fun activity they’ll enjoy on the trip.

5) Place a secret letter from Mickey Mouse in the mailbox each morning. Each letter will say “X” more days to go! It can include a free printable Disney colouring page – click here for some free printable colouring pages.

Do you have any unique Disney countdown calendar ideas?

After our family trip to Disneyland, I wrote multiple posts with travel tips such as traveling to Disneyland with a child that has food allergies, traveling to Disneyland with a toddler, things to do in Disneyland, Cars Land adventures and things to do in California Adventure. You can read about all of these on our special page dedicated to Disney.

We’ll also be making a trip to Walk Disney World in February 2014 and I’ll be adding more travel tips after that trip. To stay updated on all the fun ideas & tips, you can follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. We look forward to having you join our community!

10 thoughts on “Disney Countdown Calendar Ideas”

  1. These are such excellent ideas. A friend just revealed to her kids that their Christmas present was a trip to Disney – if you see how excited they were! This would be an amazing follow up to their good news 🙂


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