Choosing a Vacuum – Why Quality Matters

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Dyson Cinetic

We renovated our home last year with a new kitchen, new bathroom cabinets, new hard floors upstairs, new carpet downstairs, new lighting throughout the house, painted the entire interior, and more. It was a huge project but I’m really happy with the results. One of the reasons we decided to renovate was because we used … Read more

Protect Yourself from ID Theft

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Protect Yourself from ID Theft

An old VCR manual, a pay stub from when I was making $4.75/hour, old letters from friends…these are just some of the items I found in my basement when I started organizing for a spring garage sale. Do I need a VCR manual? Nope. How about the 20 year old pay stub? Nope. So why was … Read more

Perfect Jeans For All Body Types

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Marks Jeans

Remember in December when I made a New Year’s resolution not to wear pyjama pants in public anymore? Well, I’ve stuck to it (sweatpants don’t count as pyjamas, right) and I’ve realized I need to update my wardrobe. When you’re busy wearing pyjama pants around town, you don’t realize how low your supply of jeans is! I’ve … Read more

Gift Ideas from PLAYMOBIL

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This PLAYMOBIL toys review is courtesy of our contributor Carolyn…PLAYMOBIL is a classic toy brand and having the opportunity to review a few PLAYMOBIL products had me happily remembering the cowboy set I had as a child. I have no words for how I feel being able to share the memories (and make new ones) … Read more

Darkside Ollie by Sphero

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Darkside Ollie

This review of Darkside Ollie by Sphero was completed by our contributor Kristie…When my son opened his parcel to reveal Ollie, I was worried that this would join his other toys collecting dust. Oh boy, was I ever wrong! My son was thrilled with Darkside Ollie and begged to open the box on the drive … Read more

Making Healthier Choices #ActiviaChallenge

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It’s no secret that I love sweets. After each meal (even breakfast), I feel the need to reach for something sweet. More often than I’d like to admit, this sweet treat is something like chocolate or candy. As part of a healthier lifestyle, I’ve joined the 4-Week Activia® Challenge. For this challenge, I’ll be eating … Read more