It’s never too early to start teaching kindness to our children. Here are some fun ideas for kindness activities for children that are easy to do yet still make a big impact.
Kindness Activities for Kids:
The best way for teaching kindness is by example. Try involving your children in kindness activities like these listed below.
- Mail a “thinking of you” card to a family member that lives in another city
- Color or draw a picture to thank someone who has done something nice for you
- Purchase a toy to donate to a local charity
- Donate some clothing that you have outgrown
- Bake cookies for a neighbor or a babysitter
- Donate some food to your local food bank
- Set up a lemonade stand and donate your earnings to a local charity
- Visit your local animal shelter and donate a package of puppy or kitty treats
- Help a sibling with one of his/her chores
- Plant a flower in a small flower pot to give to someone special
- Leave a thank you note on your mailbox for your mail carrier
- Write thank you notes when someone gives you a gift or does something nice for you
- Leave a surprise note in your mom or dad’s work bag
- Make a list for a friend to tell him/her why you think they are great
- Visit your local fire station and drop off a treat to say thanks
- Visit a local senior center and join in a game of cards
- Volunteer at your church
- Create a calendar of family and friends birthdays so you remember to send them Happy Birthday wishes
There are so many easy & fun ideas for kindness activities that you’re sure to think of one that your child will enjoy and learn from.
You could even create a Kindness Activities bulletin board with notes on nice things you plan on doing for others. Your child can regularly add notes to the board of things they’d like to do for others along with some pictures of some kindness activities that they’ve already participated in.
Do you have any ideas for kindness activities that you’d like to share?
For more fun ideas to enjoy as a family, follow us on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you there!