30 Going On 13 – 80’s Ladies Night Ideas

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When I was a tween, my celebrity crush was Donnie Wahlberg of New Kids On The Block. Yes, I had NKOTB posters all over my walls, I wrote him a fan letter, I screamed and cried at the concert…a typical tween crush! I also had embarrassing fashion choices like silk shirts with elastic waist jeans. Ha! I’ll blame my mom for that one because she did my clothes shopping. {wink} Do you have any funny stories to tell? Then this 80’s Ladies Night would be perfect for you and your best girlfriends! Sure, I may be in my 30’s now, but I still get a laugh from some of my choices back then!

80's Ladies Night Ideas

80’s Ladies Night:

Unless you held onto old tween magazines from your tween years, chances are you won’t be able to find magazines featuring your favorite teen stars. A fun idea for your ladies night would be to pick up some current tween magazines and complete some personality quizzes together. You may not know who any of the celebrities are in there now but you are sure to get a chuckle from some of the personality quizzes!

80's Ladies Night Ideas

You can also play games that bring up fun memories from your childhood like a “Did or Did Not” game of truth with questions like: I wrote my celebrity crush a fan letter or I called my school crush but hung up before speaking. Each guest at your party would receive a Did sign and a Did Not sign. Someone is assigned to read all the cards an everyone takes a turn answering by raising their “Did” or “Did Not” sign. For example, I’d hold up “Did” for writing my celebrity crush a fan letter.

80's Ladies Night Ideas

80's Ladies Night Ideas

You can also play a fun Truth or Dare game including questions from your tween years and silly dares. For example, a Truth question could be “Have you looked up an old crush on social media to see what their life is like today?” and a Dare could be to tweet your celebrity crush short fan mail tweet! A little silly – yes – but sure to lead to laughter! How many of these questions would you admit to?

80's Ladies Night Ideas

80's Ladies Night Ideas

Our printable set also includes cupcake circles with a school-aged theme and purse style favor bags that you can fill with some of your favorite candy brands from the 80’s, lip glosses, neon nail polish, etc.

80's Ladies Night Ideas      80's Ladies Night Ideas

How To Print Your Free 80s Night Party Printables

These fun 80s Night Party Printables are available for FREE to you just for checking out our great site.  Make sure to bookmark us as well as share Moms and Munchkins with your friends on social media.  Visit our Party Ideas page or our Moms Night Out Page for even more free printables, Valentine’s Day games, party ideas, sweet treats and more!

Click Here for the 80s Night Invitation Printables

Click Here for the 80s Night Party Favors Printables

Click Here for the 80s Night Card Printables

This is just the beginning of fun party ideas here on Moms & Munchkins. You can follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for the latest updates.

80s Night Party Printables

If you enjoyed these Free 80s Night Party Printables, then take a few seconds and pin it to your favorite Pinterest board or share it with friends on social media. If you decide to use some of these 80s Night Party Printables, take a picture afterward and tag us on social media as we love seeing when others use the printables.

80s Ladies Night Ideas

Who was your 80’s celebrity crush? Did you have posters all over your walls too?

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