When I graduated high school 19 years ago (Yikes! I feel old just typing that!), there was no such thing as texting. Now it seems like all teens have phones and turn to texting to stay in the loop with their friends. I actually love texting too! It’s a great way to have short conversations to stay in touch with friends without making a phone call. It’s also a great way to send my husband a grocery list while he’s out at the store. {wink} Do you have a child graduating this year? High school? Elementary school? Middle school? Here’s a fun little party idea for them – a Texting Graduation Party!
I love the teal and coral colors. A fun idea is to create a hashtag for your party – like #WinstonGrad2015 – so the kids can share pictures with each other on social media using the hashtag.
For food, we have these cute little text-themed food tent cards with silly acronyms for the food. Something popular like LOL could be turned into Lemon Or Lime pie or Lemon Or Lime parfaits.
I just made a few acronyms up here like HOS for Heavy On Sprinkles.
Simple black wrapping paper, gold tissue paper, paper fans and paper grad caps were used to decorate the table. All super easy to put together for a last minute celebration!
We have a Texting-themed Party Pinterest board loaded with ideas like photobooth ideas, photo props like how to make your own Instagram window and more!
How To Print Your Free Texting Graduation Party Printables:
These fun texting printables are available for FREE to you just for checking out our great site. Make sure to bookmark us as well as share Moms and Munchkins with your friends on social media. Visit our Graduation Party page for even more free printables, Valentine’s Day games, party ideas, sweet treats and more!
Click here for the Graduation Texting Printables
This is just the beginning of fun graduation party ideas here on Moms & Munchkins. You can follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for the latest updates.
If you enjoyed these Free Texting Graduation Party Printables, then take a few seconds and pin it to your favorite Pinterest board or share it with friends on social media. If you decide to use some of these Free Texting Graduation Party Printables, take a picture afterward and tag us on social media as we love seeing when others use the printables.
Thank you to the fabulous Wendy of Wendy’s Printable Party for creating these for us!