Texting Graduation Party Printables

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Texting Graduation Party

When I graduated high school 19 years ago (Yikes! I feel old just typing that!), there was no such thing as texting. Now it seems like all teens have phones and turn to texting to stay in the loop with their friends. I actually love texting too! It’s a great way to have short conversations … Read more

Steel Beam Construction Party Lunch Idea

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Construction Party Lunch Idea

You know that really popular old black & white photo of construction workers sitting on a steel beam while eating lunch high above the city? When I started planning a construction party for Calgary’s Child Magazine, I knew this had to be part of my party! You’ll have to wait until July 2015 for all … Read more

Brunch Party Ideas & Printables

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Brunch Party Ideas

Hosting a brunch is a great way to celebrate a birthday, engagement, bridal shower, baby shower…the list goes on! It’s a theme that’s great for all ages so it’s perfect for occasions like bridal showers where you have everyone from children to grandmas in attendance. With so many delicious menu options like muffins, cinnamon buns, … Read more

Wrestling Party Printables & Ideas

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Wrestling Party Ideas

My husband didn’t keep many things from his childhood but he does have a huge box of wrestler toys. When he first found them, he wanted to put them on display in the house but then they mysteriously disappeared. {wink} They’ll be making a comeback when our son is old enough to play with them. … Read more