Delicious Recipes With Eggs

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There’s one item you’ll always see in my fridge – eggs. Eggs are part of all my favourite meals: omelettes, my mom’s not-so-secret meatloaf recipe, cake…can I count cake as a meal? We eat a lot of eggs around here so I was thrilled to be named one of the Egg Champions with The Egg Farmers of Canada. For the next four months, I’ll be sharing creative recipes you can make with eggs, cooking tips and interesting stories on where these eggs come from. Don’t you feel so much better about the food you eat when you know where it comes from? I know I do!

Recipes With Eggs:

Now that school is back in session, mealtimes can be a bit rushed but quick meals don’t have to be unhealthy. The Egg Farmers of Canada’s website is loaded with delicious recipe ideas that your family will love. One that we’ll be trying this week is the Ham & Egg Quesadilla. I always try to sneak in as many vegetables into my meals as I can and quesadillas is a great way to do this. Did you know that eggs are a natural, fresh, high quality source of protein that help keep children healthy and active. Eggs aren’t just for breakfast! They have 14 important nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin A, iron and contain only 70 calories. This is great fuel for all your extra-curricular activities in the evenings.


I love their “kids” section with recipe ideas you’ll have just as fun making as your kids will have eating! The Cinnamon Snail Cookies caught my eye and I know my son would love them. Actually, my husband would even want these in his own lunchbox for work!

Also on the website, you’ll find several how-to videos and tips for cooking with eggs. Ever wondered how to make a perfect restaurant-style omelette? They have a video walking you through the steps! Want tips on how to involve your kids in the cooking process? They have creative ideas for this too. Simply visit the Eggs 101 section for a listing of the videos & tips.

Head over to Facebook to like The Egg Farmers Of Canada for recipe & cooking tip updates. Follow them on Twitter to join in on the conversations between them & their followers. For drool-worthy recipes you’ll want to remember to try, follow them on Pinterest to repin some delicious recipes.

The Egg Farmers of Canada is a not-for-profit organization that helps hard-working Canadian farmers supply Canadians with fresh, local, high-quality eggs. The Egg Farmers of Canada manages the national egg supply and promotes egg consumption while representing the interests of over 1,000 regulated egg farmers in all ten provinces and the Northwest Territories.

Disclosure: I am participating in the Egg Farmers of Canada campaign managed by SJ Consulting. I received compensation in exchange for my participation in this campaign. The opinions on this blog are my own.

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