Writing a Creative Thank You Note

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Creative Thank You Note Did you know that December 26th is officially Thank You Note Day? Do your kids write thank you notes for the holiday or birthday gifts they’ve received? We just finished writing ours yesterday. It’s a great habit to start with your kids. Here are some ideas for writing a creative thank you note.

Creative Thank You Note Ideas:

  • Take a picture of you using your gift & write a thank you note on the back of the picture. This is a perfect way to show a new decorative gift in your home or to show how much you enjoy a new toy you’ve received as a gift.
  • Use your gift to make a thank you gift. For example, if your gift was a new colouring book, colour a page from the book and write a thank you note on it for the gift giver. If your gift was a kitchen supply, use it to bake a thank you treat.
  • A creative thank you note doesn’t have to include paper at all. You can bake cookies and write the letters T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U on the cookies and then place them in a decorative tin. It’s kind of like a delicious word scramble in a box!
  • Make a list of the top 5 reasons you appreciate their thoughtfulness. This works great to thank someone who has done something special or thoughtful for you.
  • Create & mail thank you coupons to loved ones like a coupon to be redeemed for one big thank you hug.
  • Have your child draw a special picture that includes stickers and scrapbook embellishments.
  • Make your own thank you cards by taking pictures of items spelled out to say thank you such as LEGO DUPLO with Letters pieces, magnets on a board, a special message written in the snow, or building blocks.

When is the last time you sent a thank you card to someone special? What tips do you have for writing a creative thank you note?

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