Canada Day Printables & Recipes

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Have you ever started talking to someone and within seconds you realize where they’re from? I was recently at a conference and I stopped to chat with a brand representative. Within the first 10 seconds of speaking, he stopped me to ask “You’re Canadian?” I asked how he knew so quickly and he said it was because of the way I pronounced the word “about”. I didn’t realize I had a bit of an accent but this American picked up on it right away! For all our Canadian pals, here are some fun ideas for a Canada Day celebration. In this post you’ll find free Canada Day printables along with recipe ideas that contain two of Canadian’s favourite things – maple and bacon!

Canada Day Party Ideas

Canada Day Printables:

Let’s start with some cute/funny treat ideas for your Canada Day Party:

  • Moose Droppings (chocolate covered almonds, Whoppers chocolate balls, etc.)
  • Beaver Dam Supplies (pretzel sticks, Bits & Bites snack mix, etc.)
  • Bear Paws (Bear Paw cookies or donuts)
  • Firework Cupcakes (cupcakes with a sparkler in the top)
  • Maple Donuts
  • Chocolate Loonies (gold foil covered chocolate loonies)
  • Poutine
  • Nanaimo Bar Cheesecake (recipe to follow soon)
  • Hockey Puck Shaped Pizza – ha!
  • Canada Day Printables

    Canada Day Party Treats

    Canada Day Party Printables

    Canada Day Treats

    Canada Day Food Ideas

    Canada Day Free Printables

    Canada Day Party

    Canada Day Desserts

    Canada Day Party Food

    You’ll find the FREE Canada Day Printables here.

    Maple & Bacon Recipes:

    To be a true Canadian, you have to love maple and bacon. Okay, maybe you don’t have to…but it helps.

    Canada Day Printables & Recipes

    Here are some recipes containing one (or both) of these ingredients:

    For more Canada Day celebration ideas, visit our special Canada Day category. We have more free printables, party recipes and more!

    Canada Day Free Party Printables

    For more ideas for holiday fun, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

    23 thoughts on “Canada Day Printables & Recipes”

    1. Love the printables and your website! . I have some Free Canada Day printables up over at my Party Printables website too. Thanks for posting those recipes, I’ve been itching to try making a butter tart so that Maple Butter Tart might just be the recipe I am looking for.

    2. I’ve been told the same thing by my American friends about an accent LOL!

      Love the printables and the recipes (and thanks for featuring mine too!)


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