Bake Sale Ideas & Tips

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There are a lot of items to consider when planning a bake sale. Where will it be held? What treats will you sell? How will it be organized? Below is a list of bake sale ideas and items to consider when planning a sale. At the bottom of this post, you’ll also find links to plenty of delicious recipe ideas perfect for a bake sale.

Bake Sale Ideas

Bake Sale Ideas – Tips:

  • Include copies of ingredient list for those customers who require it (or print it on a label right on the package). With so many different types of allergies, ingredient lists are becoming more important at bake sales.
  • Package your items in small quantities (6 items or less per package) so that customers can buy a wider variety of treats.
  • You could also set out open trays of food with empty containers that people could fill with a variety of treats. Customers then weigh their container at the end and pay by the pound. You’ll also need to supply the empty containers and plastic wrap if you are going with this option.
  • Have one small group of people assigned to price the items so that the prices are similar for the various types of treats. If everyone is left to price their own items, the prices may not be consistent across the sale.
  • Be sure to have plenty of change on hand.
  • Have at least 2 people assigned to the cash register. One person to collect the money and another person to bag the items.
  • Make a plan for what to do with the leftovers (like delivering them to a local shelter). If the leftovers will be delivered to another location, who will be responsible for the delivery?
  • Collect bake sale packages the night before the sale so you have time to price and arrange the items before the sale begins.
  • Group similar items together (cookies, breads, muffins, cupcakes, etc.). Make it easy for people to find what they want.
  • Unless you have coolers and fridge available, request that bakers don’t make items that require refrigeration. Keep in mind that if items are hidden away in coolers, they will be more difficult to sell because people want to be able to see what they are buying.
  • If your space permits, set up an area to sell coffee & tea where guests can sit down to visit with friends and enjoy some of their purchases.
  • Make sure that your bakers & customers know where the bake sale money is being donated. People are more likely to participate if they know where the funds are going.
  • Have at least 1 person assigned to watch over every 2 tables. For a busy sale, you’ll want one person per table. This person will be responsible for answering questions about the items, refilling the table and keeping the table organized.
  • Decide what will happen if you sell out of items before the bake sale is over.
  • Decide where to host your event. Will there be a fee to use the facility?
  • When will you have the sale (date & time)?
  • How will you advertise the event? Some bake sale ideas include at the facility where the event will be held, on a community bulletin board or in a community newsletter, word of mouth, on a website that advertises local events and a poster in the place that you are fundraising for.
  • Who will calculate the donation and how will it be delivered to the charity? Will you deposit the money in the bank and issue a cheque? Will you require a tax receipt? Who will be responsible for giving the money to the charity?

Bake Sale Ideas – Recipes:

When it comes to bake sale ideas, nothing is more fun than deciding what to make…except maybe the part where you get to sample the delicious creations! Here are a few ideas for recipes:

Do you have any bake sale ideas you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below.

For more delicious recipe ideas, visit our Recipe page.

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4 thoughts on “Bake Sale Ideas & Tips”

  1. I’m not planning a bake sale anytime soon, but if I ever do, or even if I participate in one, I’ll use some of these awesome tips – thanks for sharing on Recipe Sharing Monday!

  2. So many great tips and ideas. Another idea is to have a raffle along with the bake sale. I have tried this and it adds to the fun and brings in more money for the cause. One idea for a raffle prize to put together a basket of food items – canned goods such as chunky soup, sockeye salmon, pure maple syrup, honey, canned fruit, etc. Other ideas are a cheese and cracker basket, a spa basket with various bath items and a relaxation CD, a wine basket complete with candles and wine glasses. I have had a raffle with fundraising and it has worked out great. Just be sure to have a couple of pens or pencils and some small slips of paper for people to fill in their names and phone numbers. Also a jar, box or even a mixing bowl covered with cellophane with an opening, for the entries.
    Thanks for sharing your tips and ideas.


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