A couple of weeks ago I heard a radio announcement that Canadian Blood Services urgently needs blood donations to replenish their supply before the long weekend. Before I became pregnant (over three years ago now), I used to donate blood on a regular basis but I haven’t donated in several years now. I often receive calls to donate but there always seems to be something holding me back from making a donation like arranging for someone to watch my son while I go, worrying that I’ll feel ill when donating (this has happened a couple of times in the past) or simply being too busy. Last week I was telling my husband that I wanted to call and make an appointment but a week went by and I forgot all about it.
Yesterday I received a call from my mom to tell me that her, my dad and grandma were in a bad accident on the highway outside of Fernie. Someone ahead of them lost control of their vehicle and hit their trailer knocking it off of their truck and into the ditch. The trailer was completely destroyed but my mom, dad and grandma walked away without a scratch. Someone was watching over them yesterday! These pictures look pretty scary so I’m so glad to report that all three of them were unharmed. My grandma said “Not even a bruise!” – she’s a tough cookie!
After that call from my mom, I remembered the request for blood donations from Canadian Blood Services. I started thinking about other people who may not be as lucky as my parents & grandma were. I’ve now made my appointment to donate.
Canadian Blood Services – How To Make A Donation:
Canadian Blood Services is forecasting a need for 51,000 appointments to be filled between now and Labour Day to replenish stocks. Making an appointment is easy, simply call 1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or book online.