My 5-Day Caring Challenge

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Remember last week when I told you about my 5-day Share Kleenex® Care challenge to show my caring side? Well I’ve completed my week of caring acts and I’m excited to tell you about our adventures! I’m always so focused on my to-do list while at the stores so paying attention to everyone around me was a bit of a challenge. I felt like I was always listening & waiting for someone to sneeze. Funny story for you before we get started…

On one of the nights, I had my husband out with me to help me spot someone who could use a Kleenex® Share Pack. At one of the stores, there was a young male worker (I think he collected shopping carts) walking towards us and he wiped his nose on his sleeve. My husband (taking this challenge very seriously) shouted, “He just wiped his nose on his sleeve – get him!” and I’m sure he embarrassed the poor guy. I didn’t chase him down to give him Kleenex® because I’m pretty sure he was walking as fast as he could to get away from us. {wink}

I’ve made a video diary to tell you about the results of the program.

Day One: My little guy and I were at the local craft store in line paying for some cake decorating supplies and a senior woman was next to me in line and I saw that she took a dirty old tissue out of her purse to wipe her nose. She was in need of a Kleenex® Share Pack for sure! I set down a pack on top of her cart full of yarn and explained that I had some extra Kleenex® to give away and I wanted her to have it. She just smiled and nodded but I’m not sure she knew what was going on. I’m sure she opened it after we left and found the Kleenex® inside.

Day Two: While walking through the mall, I saw a woman wiping her nose on a little tissue she pulled from her pocket. I went up and offered her one of the Kleenex® Share Packs and she was hesitant to take it. Being in the mall, I think she thought I was trying to sell her something. She asked what she needed to do (meaning, sign up for something) but I told her it was just a free gift because I thought she may be able to use it. She thanked me and we carried on with our shopping trip.

Day Three: My little guy and I went out for a tobogganing adventure. Well, it wasn’t really tobogganing because I couldn’t convince him to actually sit on the sled. He preferred to push the sled down the hill and then run after it. A new game I suppose. Anyways, there was another mother there with two young kids so I offered her a Kleenex® Share Pack for her little ones’ runny noses. Cold weather always brings out the sniffles!

Day Four: At the mall, my little guy and I were walking behind a man who was sneezing into his jacket. We offered him a Kleenex® Share Pack and he happily took it and said, “Thank you!” and went on his way. He was happy to accept the token of appreciation.

Day Five: At the mall again (yes, we love shopping), we saw a woman working at a travel kiosk and she was trying to get through a sale while coughing, sneezing and blowing her nose. I was certain she could use a Kleenex® Share Pack! Once she was done with her customer, I approached her to offer her the gift and she said that she already had some tissues but they weren’t as soft as the Kleenex® brand so she thanked me for the gift.

I’m a planner so I tried to think ahead to where we’d find people to give the Kleenex® Share Packs to. While at the local arcade, I was sure we’d find a child with the sniffles but it turns out we were the only family there that day! Then at a local playgroup, everyone with the sniffles must have stayed home that day because we couldn’t find anyone to give a gift to. What this showed me was that acts of kindness aren’t always planned. If you pay attention to your surroundings, you’ll find people to do caring acts for and it’s often unexpected.

Help us keep the caring acts going by sharing your own #ShareKleenexCare story on social media. Be sure to use the hashtag when sharing your story so we can all read about your acts of kindness. To help you get started, Kleenex® is offering a special coupon.

caring challenge

Show Your Caring Side

*Disclosure: I was compensated for this post; however, all opinions expressed here are my own.

4 thoughts on “My 5-Day Caring Challenge”

  1. I have loved being a part of this campaign, but also seeing the others doing it as well. It is so amazing to be able to help someone out in such a simple way, and at the same time, give them the ability to pass it forward! Tobogganing would be the PERFECT place to offer Kleenex! So glad you were there to help that mother out 🙂


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