Goldilocks & The Gummy Bears

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You’ve all heard the tale of Goldilocks & the Three Bears, right? A girl wanders into a bear’s home, tests out all the bowls of porridge until she finds the one that’s just right. Although I wouldn’t be wandering into a bear’s home and stealing his breakfast, I do recommend this Goldilocks & the Gummy Bears popcorn mix. Have you ever had gummy candies mixed with chocolate? If not, you don’t know what you’re missing!

Gummy Bear Popcorn

Gummy Bear Popcorn:

This recipe doesn’t include quantities because you can add as much of each ingredient as you’d like. If you love chocolate, load it on. Prefer the soft chewy cookies? Pile them high! Just like Goldilocks tried each bowl until she found the one that was just right, go ahead and try any combination of ingredients until you have the perfect bowl of porridge popcorn.

I used oatmeal cookies shaped like mini bear paws but you can use any of your favorite cookies in this recipe.

Goldilocks & The Gummy Bears Popcorn
  • microwavable popcorn, popped
  • gummy bears
  • chocolate, melted
  • oatmeal cookies, crumbled
  1. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper and evenly spread popcorn over top.
  2. Sprinkle on gummy bears and oatmeal cookies.
  3. Pour melted chocolate evenly over popcorn (put in plastic food storage bag and cut off a small corner - this will help you cover the popcorn evenly).
  4. Put in freezer for about 15 minutes until chocolate hardens.
  5. Place popcorn mixture in large resealable food storage bag and store in refrigerator.


For more sweet treats, visit our Party Food page.

Love this recipe and want to find more sweet popcorn treats? We have several sweet popcorn treats here on Moms & Munchkins – my Grandma’s Popcorn Cake, Birthday Party Popcorn, Chocolate Strawberry Popcorn Balls and more! Also, check out this delicious collection of Sweet Popcorn Recipes from other talented bloggers.

Sweet Popcorn Recipe

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