o-FISH-al Valentine’s Day Tags

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Christmas Day has passed and we’ve celebrated the start of the new year…what comes next? Well, Valentine’s Day of course! Yes, I realize that some people may think January 2nd is a bit too early to start thinking of Valentine’s Day but for me it’s never too early to start thinking about holidays that involve candy and chocolate! We’ve created some adorable free Valentine tags that you could print to use for your children or for them to handout to classmates and friends – o-FISH-al Valentine Tags!

Free Valentine Tags - o-FISH-al Tags

Free Valentine Tags - o-FISH-al Tags

Free Valentine Tags - o-FISH-al Tags

Free Valentine Tags - o-FISH-al Tags

Last year we did the adorable o-FISH-al Valentine’s Day party and I had so much fun with it that I wanted to stick with the fish theme this year. There are so many deliciously adorable ideas with this theme!

  • candy rocks can be placed on the bottom of a mini fish tank shaped jar and topped with gummy fish
  • gummy worms can be labeled as “bait”
  • fill a bag with gummy fish, gummy sharks, etc.
  • fill a small fish tank fishing net with a bag of gummy fish
  • use goldfish crackers instead of a sweet treat
  • make homemade Gone Fishin’ Snack Mix for salty treat bags

Free Valentine Tags - o-FISH-al Tags

How To Print Your Free Valentine Tags:

These fun Valentine’s Day printables are available for FREE to you just for checking out our great site.  Make sure to bookmark us as well as share Moms and Munchkins with your friends on social media.  Visit our Valentine’s Day page for even more free printables, Valentine’s Day games, party ideas, sweet treats and more!

Click here for the O-Fish-Al Printable

I hope everyone’s year is off to a fabulous start! This is just the beginning of fun ideas for Valentine’s Day here on Moms & Munchkins. You can follow along on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for the latest updates.

52 thoughts on “o-FISH-al Valentine’s Day Tags”

  1. I am a subscriber to your newsletter and receive them. However, whenever I try to access one of the freebies, my password does not work. There is no way to get a hint (just in case I am entering the wrong one) or to change my password, do I am unable to take advantage of any of the Newsletter goodies. Please let me know what to do.

  2. I am unable to access the free Valentine’s Day printables….the password doesn’t seem to be working. Please advise as to when the printables are available. Thank You!

    • Hi Debbi! I just sent you an email with more information. The printables are available but I think the problem may be with your password. If you still aren’t able to access the page with the instructions in the email, please let me know. Thanks for stopping by!

    • Hi Sonya! After you confirm your subscription, you are directed to a page with the secret password and the link to the freebies page. I’ll email you a link to that confirmation page. Thanks for checking in!

  3. Hi Sonya,

    I received the confirmation for signing up for the newsletter, but there was no link to “freebies” or a “secret password.” Can you help me? Thanks!

    • Hi Toni! My name is actually Cheryl…not Sonya. 😉 I can see that you’ve confirmed your email subscription. The page you are taken to says “Thank you for subscribing” and all of the information is right on that page. I just checked to make sure that there isn’t an issue with the page and it is all there. I’ll email you a link directly. Thank you for checking in!

  4. I signed up and went to the page to confirm my subscription. I was long at a couple of pages and deleted the wrong tab, so now i can’t get to the page to get the password. Can you please help me with this please. Thanks

  5. I am also experiencing the same problems (accessing the free valentines day printables. Please advise. BTW your ideas are awesome. Thanks for sharing!

    • Hi Amanda! After you signed up for the newsletter, you should have been taken to a page thanking you for subscribing. That page includes the link to the freebies and the password (which is case-sensitive). I’ll send you an email!

  6. I and trying to subscribe to your blog. It says I have to click the link in the email that you sent me. I have not gotten an email. Please help! I love your stuff!

  7. I have subscribed and entered the password correctly but the links to the free tags do not work. Can you send me the link in my email please?
    Thanks and cute idea!

    • Hi Nichole! I sent you an email with the link to the freebies page. Sometimes people are already registered so they don’t get the “Thank You” page with the freebies link. Not sure if that was the case for you or not but I sent you a link that should help you access the freebies.

  8. Hi, I subbed and can see the the free printable, but, it won’t allow me to print from my tablet. It says password protected PDFs are not allowed??? Can you help? Trying to print from an iPad mini with an hp wireless printer.

    • Hello! I’m not sure why it won’t print for you as the PDF itself isn’t password protected. Could it be a setting on your iPad? If not, let me know and I’ll try to email the attachment directly to you to see if that works better for you.

      • Hi, thanks for replying so fast. I’ve tried the settings, still says the PDF is protected. Would you mind sending it when you get a chance? Thanks and I love your site

        • Hi! Sorry to hear that you are still having trouble accessing the freebie. I’ll email it over to you right now. Hopefully you can print it from an email. Thank you for your kind words about the blog – it means a lot to me!

  9. I have subscribed and entered the password correctly but the links to the free printables do not work. Can you send me the link in my email please? Thanks for sharing your beautiful work!

    • Hello Kenia! Can you please provide more specific information on what is not working for you? I’m able to click on the links and have them open on my end. If you could give me more information, I could provide you with another option to try. Thank you!

  10. I received the code and put it in. It says that I am signed up, but I cannot locate where I can print the fish valentines. Any help would be much appreciated. I found this page once I signed up, but still cannot find a printable link.

    • Hi Robyn! The first time you sign up, you are taken to a Thank You page with a link to the freebies plus the secret password. This is then repeated in each of the monthly newsletters. I’ve emailed you a link to that page again for your reference. Please let me know if you have additional troubles.

    • Hi Christina! The first time you sign up, you are taken to a Thank You page with a link to the freebies plus the secret password. This is then repeated in each of the monthly newsletters. I’ve emailed you a link to that page again for your reference. Please let me know if you have additional troubles.

  11. I entered the password, but I can’t find the link to the “I’m hooked on you” valentine. Please let me know what I need to do. Thank you!!

    • Hi Kimberly! The first time you sign up, you are taken to a Thank You page with a link to the freebies plus the secret password. This is then repeated in each of the monthly newsletters. I’ve emailed you a link to that page again for your reference. Please let me know if you have additional troubles.

  12. Cheryl,

    I just subscribed to your email for free printables. I cant seem to find where you can print them. I got the link and password but when i put in the password it just brings me back to put in the password.

    Can you help?

  13. Hello! Seems like I hit click too soon and went right past the temp password. Now when I try the link, it tells me account already activated. Can you send me an email? Thank you!! Love your website!

  14. I am trying to access the free printable fish valentine, I have subscribed to your newsletter and yet I can’t get a link to download the tags I am needing?


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