Party Themes & Party Planning Tips

Drive-In Movie Birthday Party

Even without a drive-in movie theatre in your city, you can plan a fun Drive-In Movie Birthday Party at home!

A cute idea for an invitation for a movie-themed party is a ticket.

You may want to add in something about guests being welcome to bring along their vehicles (bikes, wagons, scooters, etc.).

A personalized welcome sign is a great way to welcome guests to the party. A fun idea would be to create a popcorn garland to hang around the sign as guests enter the party area.

Everyone loves a personalized photo banner at a birthday party. For a movie-themed party, a creative idea is to glue photos onto paper that looks like a strip of film.

Food for a Drive-In Movie Birthday Party is easy to prepare.

If you have a projection TV or someone you could borrow one from, you could set up a projection movie in your backyard that could start once the sun goes down.